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Samsung started off with the aim to make printing simpler and more convenient from mobile devices

Screen Shot 2014-04-09 at 3.46.28 PMSEOUL, KOREA: When Samsung Electronics first began developing mobile printing solutions in 2009, it aimed to make printing simpler and more convenient from mobile devices.

The concept was that people who use smartphones and tablet PCs should be able to easily print a variety of content-whether email, screen shots or photos-directly from their mobile devices without complex setup process.

Stage 1: Printing from native print button on GALAXY series
Screen Shot 2014-01-31 at 11.40.07 AMThe first stage in achieving this vision began with the Samsung GALAXY series. The Printing Solutions team equipped ‘print’ buttons on the GALAXY Tab (2010 model), GALAXY SII, SIII, S4, Note and NoteII which, when pressed, automatically searched for any neighboring Samsung printers.

Users had control over a variety of options such as the desired number of copies, the paper and image size. Anything from a compatible device could be effortlessly printed: photos, emails, screen shots from the web or Samsung applications such as S-memo and S-note.

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 3.14.18 PMSamsung had delivered on their vision for mobile printing, but there was still more to do. Although complicated steps such as installing Samsung-exclusive drivers or applications had been eliminated, users still had to manually search for the printer’s address.

Stage 2: Expanded printing capabilities through Samsung Mobile Print App
The Printing Solutions team wanted to provide broader functions to the audience. The solution was the creation of the Samsung Mobile Print App, available on both the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store, bringing the promise of ubiquitous mobile printing closer to reality.

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