Week in Review: Acquisitions, Strategic Moves, and Industry Summits

Sponsored by Mars International, the leading provider of premium, pre-owned office equipment and dealer logistics, dedicated to fostering strong dealer relationships and customer satisfaction.

  1. CDS Acquires Sharp Office Equipment Reseller

CDS has expanded its market presence by acquiring a prominent Sharp office equipment reseller.

  1. Sharp Shuts Display Factory: Reasons and Implications

Sharp has made the decision to close its display factory, citing market conditions and strategic realignment.

  1. Xerox Welcomes Six New Board Members

In a significant leadership expansion, Xerox has appointed six new members to its Board of Directors.

  1. DocuWorld 2024: Innovation Thrives Amidst Houston’s Weather Challenges

DocuWorld 2024 showcased a week of cutting-edge innovations despite the weather disruptions in Houston.

  1. Xerox Hosts Production Print Summit

Xerox’s Production Print Summit brought together key stakeholders to explore the latest advancements in high-volume printing technology.

Mars International is proud to support this weekly recap, celebrating the pivotal moments and advancements within the sector.

SOURCE Industry Analysts Inc.