The ECI Connect Customer Conference 2024 is a key event for office equipment resellers looking to enhance their use of ECI software and stay ahead in the industry. With registration now open, attendees can look forward to hours of in-depth software training, interactive sessions in the Tech Lab, and valuable networking opportunities. This year, the conference features a celebrity keynote, offering unique insights on achieving success and living a purposeful life. Attendees will also benefit from trend-tracking presentations and breakout sessions, helping them stay informed about the latest industry developments and optimize their software ROI.

In addition to comprehensive training and useful presentations, the ECI Connect Customer Conference provides access to an Expo Hall showcasing the latest products and services to help businesses grow and stay competitive. The event also offers business resources on leadership, marketing, and sales, ensuring that attendees leave with practical knowledge to improve their operations.

Celebrating ECI’s 25th anniversary, the conference promises to be a memorable occasion, filled with learning, networking, and celebration. Join us to connect with industry peers and be the first to hear about ECI’s latest software developments. Don’t miss out—register now and secure your seat at this must-attend event!

Click here for more information or to register!

SOURCE ECI Software Solutions