A message from Mark Grice of IBPI – Since my last Newsletter, I have been to New York City for the BTA National Meeting, Boston for the Continuum Navigate Conference and Minneapolis for the inaugural IBPI VIP Event Series at NA Trading and Technology. All great events!

I have to brag for a moment on our vendor partners. They are truly the best in class in our industry. As I travel around, I am proud to visit with these partners and introduce them to our membership.

October 26 is the deadline for Board nominations! You should have already received your nomination form in the mail last month. If you know someone that wants to provide input on IBPI issues and is willing to serve a 3-year term, please nominate them for our Board.

Finally, I have started to write a blog post from my travels. I linked to a couple of them above, so please take a moment to read about these events. I also try to include plenty of pictures so check it out!

IBPI VIP Event Series – NA Trading