By Larry Coco – The month is winding down and your sales team is frantically trying to close every deal possible. Order processors are on high alert. Your techs and IT staff members have been asked to work overtime doing setups and installs. You try and squeeze out all that you possibly can and the month is suddenly closed. It is now time to wrap it up since the journey starts all over again tomorrow.

It is now time to analyze the results. The cold, hard fact is that your sales team came up short of expectations. The sales pipelines were not filled to an acceptable level. By drilling down, you and your management team notice that the billed orders were, in large part, generated by current customer upgrades and some new business as well.

You think about what more could have been done to meet the established targets and reflect on your great successes as a sales rep years ago. Then the light bulb suddenly goes on and the realization hits: Referrals were always a big part of your sales funnel and they helped you get to the promised land in a consistent manner.

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To be Truly Successful, the Sales Professional Must be Inspired