The digital transformation is in full force worldwide and you as a DocuWare customer are right in the middle of it all.


To help you actively shape these new business models and benefit from digitalization in your everyday work, we’ll be filling the upcoming year with lots of practical tips and advice. These were the topics that interested you the most in 2016:

The posts about the latest DocuWare versions were read the most. One goal of DocuWare Version 6.9 was to make it easier to set up and manage electronic workflows – for example, the processing of travel expenses or the conversion of existing paper forms within a digital office.

Digitalizing processes with Workflow Manager was a main focus for DocuWare Version 6.10. Customizing workflows to best suit your daily needs: for tasks that don’t occur very often, which aren’t worth setting up a workflow in Workflow Designer, you can also use the Request feature in DocuWare Client.

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Checklist: More Money with Electronic Invoices