The webinar covers Citrus College’s path to Web to print, its decision to pull the plug on a dysfunctional system and start from scratch, and the ups downs faced along the way. The presentation offers a frank look at the times the higher ed in-plant veered off course, and how it was able to gain its footing.

Getting to the point of today’s 80% online print submission with WebCRD required a strong understanding of user needs, in-depth user testing and a focused marketing effort to accompany the launch.

Watch to learn:

  • The history of Web to print at Citrus College, and why it needed to change
  • How the college gathered user needs and requirements prior to choosing a new Web to print solution
  • How Citrus College worked with top users to beta test the application
  • The marketing to launch the solution

Overcoming Web to Print Stumbling Blocks

Learn how to overcome the 4 Typical Stumbling of Web to Print in this blog post by Howie Fenton.

Read the Blog Post

Specific In-plant and Commercial Printer Terms and Language to Use and Avoid