By Robin Fonck, GreatAmerica – According to the American Institute of Stress (AIS), job stress is far and away the major source of stress for American adults. We hear from office technology dealers regularly about the stress of managing their billing operations. Much of their stress comes from good things—growing customer lists, creative new finance offerings, processes that can’t keep up with the current demand, but its stress nonetheless.

Stress management is among the leading concerns for C-level leadership. Here are a few things I’ve learned as a lead to help my team members feel less stressed.

  1. Check-in With Your Employees Regularly
    • Have five to ten minute meeting every week with each team member. This gives them the opportunity to talk about tasks they’re struggling with and gives you the opportunity to help brainstorm a solution. They will feel supported and you can stay on top of their workload.

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What’s Happenin’ in Person with Jennie Fisher of GreatAmerica