By Leah Quesada – The term ‘inbound marketing’ was coined in 2005 to describe the internet assisted marketing movement away from broadcasting brand messaging towards enticing visitors to a website for more information. It began just after the dot-com bubble burst in 2000 and is based on information sharing, user-centered design, and collaboration.

Today, inbound marketing isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a proven methodology for aligning content, social media, and search engine marketing tactics with the way buyers make purchasing decisions. It might sound complicated, but once broken down into steps, it’s easy to understand how and why it works:

Step 1 – Identify ideal customer traits

Inbound marketing begins with personifying your ideal customer by creating a fictitious person or group of people to represent them. Each persona is then assigned characteristics such as age range, job role, and decision-making power. These personas are typically a combination of current, past, and ideal customers and once defined, they become the audience for all of your marketing initiatives.

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