Presto Station

Simple And Intuitive

Presto Station gives users a simplified, beautiful, intuitive, and easy to use experience for secure release pull printing. Authenticate to Presto Station via your phone and Presto temporarily turns your phone into your personal release station.

No Mobile, No Problem

Login to Presto Station with a username or PIN code and release.

Effortless Set Up

Setting up Presto Station is fast.
Install the app, login, select the printer, logout. That’s it!
Configuring a tablet for Presto Station can take as little as 30 seconds. Compare to traditional embedded solutions that can take 30 to 60 minutes per printer.

Say Goodbye to Firmware Updates

Updating Presto Station is as easy as updating an app.

Incredible Savings

No antiquated card readers. No firmware. No per printer secure release costs. Add to your savings by upcycling already owned but underutilized phones and tablets.

Tablet Stands for Every Environment

Your environment may demand aesthetically attractive kiosk stands. Or you may be concerned about theft. A wide spectrum of inexpensive off-the-shelf tablet stands are available to address your environment and design requirements.

Features & Specs

Real-Time Data Streaming? Check. Distributed rule based Systems? Yep.