By: John Wiedenheft, GreatAmerica – In the last few months, we’ve seen major acceleration into something that was already happening prior to COVID-19: Digital Transformation. We now work online, play online, and shop online more than ever. In fact, in the first few months of the pandemic, Forbes reported that people are spending up to 70% more time on the internet.

While online reviews were already becoming the price of doing business in the review economy we live in, this pandemic, and our shift to communicating and conducting business almost exclusively online, has only amplified the importance of your online presence as a business.

Now, consider the current obstacles you may be facing; perhaps you are short on staff or as you have evolved your business model to survive, you have had to change processes and create workarounds that are new and require your staff to make some pretty major adjustments. As a result, there may be some inadvertent friction created for your customers which can drive them online to air their grievances online.

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Source GreatAmerica

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