According to the latest FITARA 8.0 report card on how the 24 largest Federal agencies are progressing on critical IT initiatives, two government agencies were issued with a D- grade rating for their information technology management efforts. The agencies in question being The Department of Homeland security (DHS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The two dozen agencies assessed were given IT scores in areas such as cyber security, the modernization of technology and transparency, as well as risk management. This scorecard process has been in place since 2014, to drive an improvement in IT security and their modernization efforts.

With both NASA and the DHS receiving the lowest scorecard rating, it is clear that more needs to be done to protect their IT infrastructure.  As theses government agencies begin to take action to improve their scorecard ratings, it is fundamental that they ensure even the less talked about areas such as securing their print infrastructure are assessed.

To provide your customers with an overview of the current global print security landscape, download and pass on this report, so they can see why their print environment is so important to protect.

Click here to download the global print security landscape report

SOURCE Ringdale

71% of Federal Agencies have Suffered at Least One Data Breach