Everyone has heard of the classical tale about parental attempts to combat negative adolescent behavior with threats of ruining Christmas mornings per lumps of dirty, boring coal. Gasp! The sheer horror! There’s no certainty behind whether this method has ever been commonly implemented or if it is being exercised currently, but it would be shocking.

Do you want to know something more shocking than parents actually giving their children coal for Christmas? Brace yourselves – The imaging channel and its dynamic climate is undergoing digital transformation at a rapid pace; however, antiquated and disparate ERP systems are still in use! These bolt-on ERP packages literally cripple organizational optimization and handcuff dealerships to stagnant business practices. To put it in perspective, using such limited and disconnected technology is like opening wrapped boxes of coal on Christmas morning – even though you did nothing wrong. Meanwhile, innovation adopters are off playing with their actual presents.

Christmas is Coming; True ERP Stocking Stuffer

Is your current ERP system interconnected through seamless integration on one centralized platform? Does it cover all aspects of business processes tailored for the channel’s vertical market demands? How about full dealership transparency in multilevel views in real-time? Or contain open-architecture infrastructure suitable for seeking growth opportunities? If answering no to any of these, then coal may be in your future.

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Advanced Warehousing Overview – MWA VIDEO