It has been reported that a Canada Border Services agent (CBSA) officer has breached federal privacy law by sharing confidential police information. This included a criminal’s personal information and the police’s views on the threat posed by the individual. On this occasion this information was only shared to a family member. However it was only reported due to the family member informing the police of the possible threat.

This really goes to show the ease with which private and confidential data can get leaked to unauthorized persons. Investing in technology to monitor and potentially even stop confidential data from being shared will mitigate against breaches, however minor from occurring.

Print infrastructure is a popular gateway hackers often utilise to gain access into an organization’s network, due to it often being overlooked. Last year alone, 59% of organizations in a survey admitted to reporting print data loss in the previous 12 months.

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SOURCE Ringdale

The Healthcare Sector Is Favoured Target For Data Breaches In 2019