I recently had the pleasure of attending the annual CopierFax BT Golf Outing in Western NY. Al, Andrea and David Scibetta were there with over 100 of their employees and customers for an afternoon of fun!

We began with a nice lunch before we were divided up into groups and were sent out shotgun style at Terry Hills Golf Club in Batavia NY. I had actually golfed here with my dad Lou when I was a teen. Glad to see they had 30 years to fix it up after my last visit…they probably needed every minute.

I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with two customers, both of whom were very appreciative of the invitation, but also of their relationships with CopierFax.  They loved their Konica Minolta gear as well as their techs who keep them running. The guy I was riding with was also a former DocuWare user in his last role and he loved what it did for his operation.

Incidentally, the event was sponsored by Konica Minolta, who had some people at the event, as well as Muratec, DocuWare and Lexmark and a leasing company.

With a long ride back home, I stuck to water, which probably helped my game, but there was plenty of beer (and I’ve heard Fireball) available throughout the day. After our round, everyone retreated to the clubhouse for cocktails and a great dinner.

A special thanks to the Scibetta for including me in their event, it was a blast!

~Andy Slawetsky

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