Dear Friends,

The Ride for Jillian has and will continue to touch the emotions of many. For me, even deeper so since I lost my beautiful daughter Danielle to a tragic car accident at the tender age of 17.

I know the pain of losing a child, the roller coaster of feelings that engulf families and friends trying to navigate day to day in a highly anxious state, feeling overwhelming pain, constantly asking why, not knowing how much precious time is left.

IMG_2457A touching quote from Mahatma Gandhi reads, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” So many amazing people have lead with their heart and are making a positive difference for families facing life threatening illnesses…providing hope and much needed support…allowing Jillian’s legacy to carry on with both grace and compassion.

Perhaps it is time for each of us to be fully aware of the many blessings that surround us and to ‘lose ourselves in the service’ of The Ride for Jillian. Just visualize how good you are going to feel giving anything you can to help others in need.

For Mike, Chip, Andy, and the Patriot Pack, there will be many of us riding on your shoulders from Scottsdale to Washington, DC. May you experience an outpouring of affection from so many willing to pay it forward and make that positive difference in the lives of others. I think Jenna says it best…” we work in the best industry in the world”. Damn right we do!

With much respect and peace,
