Day two started out COLD in Pinetop at 28 degrees when I woke up. Paco (Stramaglio), Gordito (Williams) and Slaw (me) chatted with the wonderful proprietors of our rustic motel (where John Wayne stayed!), thanked one of the employees whose son is stationed in Germany with the Army and saddled up for breakfast.

A nice little local diner for eats. Seated behind us was a table of firefighters. Their alarm when off and these guys moved! Shoving their food in their faces and out the door before anyone knew what happened. They were back 20 min later to pay their bill and one of the senior guys thanked US for OUR service and our ride. Unbelievable! These guys risk their lives every moment and thanked us. Very humbling.

Kickstands up, we head east. It’s in the high 40s and very windy and we begin our 365 miles to Roswell.

Lots of elk signs (again). We did see an antelope (not a deer like the NY kid thought…they’re all deer to him), more cows and horses.

We stopped in the middle of nowhere at a rest area next to about 30 massive radar structures. It’s supposedly a telescope project (VSP if I got that right). SUPPOSEDLY. We came up with much better theories on what those things were.

Now it’s warmer as we continue east, over the continental divide, through Lincoln NM, home to Billy the Kid and lava rocks. Incredible scenery and an amazingly scenic ride. NM is always one of my favorite parts of this journey.

We rolled into Roswell around dinner time, cleaned up, had a cocktail and hit the local steakhouse to finish the night, after a stop at Walgreens to buy some underwear…Slaw forgot underwear. Seriously.

Some super nice people here in Roswell. No aliens. Unless, maybe they ARE the aliens.

After a late and cocktail heavy night Day 1, the Pack was in bed by 9:30 PM. A big comfy bed with chocolates. OK, we’re business bikers, what can I say? No roughing it for these guys!

Kickstands up at 8:30 AM as we head to Plano TX today and dinner with the Muratec team. Patriots Mark “Burt” Albert and Mike “Lone Star” Christianson will join the pack, Burt near Lubbock and Lone Star in Plano.

Sunday is the longest riding day as we will do just over 500 miles. 545 miles down, many to go. Love to you all!

See where we are and watch our video stream when we roll! Click here!

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Jillian Ride Day 1 Recap